


The keynote of the speeches delivered at the Varsity Club dinner last night was a sense of growing cooperation between University Hall and the H.A.A., an between the H.A.A. and the coaches and players.

Dr. Alfred Worcester '78 was introduced by William Edmunds '00, Toastmaster, as the first speaker of the evening. Dr. Worcester sketched his work as director of the department of Hygiene, stressing the importance of athletics in the health of the University at large.

"If we had enough athletic equipment," Dr. Worcester said, "athletics would be compulsory for all including Seniors. A very large per cent of those who are fired from college drop regular exercise after their Freshman year."

Dean C. N. Greenough '98 pointed out the closer relations which were being created between University Hall and the H.A.A., and also said that one of the most encouraging signs of the new cooperation was that one of the deans of Harvard College should be invited to a Varsity Club dinner.

Swimming Pool Discussed


W. J. Bingham '16 brought out the necessity of a new swimming pool and a gymnasium, saying that when the new pool was built, as he hoped it would be by this time next year, it would be on a plot of land big enough to allow a gym to be erected beside it. He also reiterated his former statement that the extra money received from the new price of Princeton and Yale football tickets would be used entirely for the benefit of men who were not on any of the regular squads.

Arnold Horween '21, coach of next fall's eleven, asked supporters not to expect too much of him next year on account of the difficulties of the task ahead of him. He said that his support, however, had been so whole hearted that he was willing to accept the entire responsibility for the success of the team.

Seven major sport captains then spoke briefly of future prospects in their sports. They were M. A. Cheek '26 and C. D. Coady '27, football; Thayer Cumings '26 and W. P. Ellison '27, hockey; W. L. Tibbetts '26, track; C. L. Todd '26, baseball, and Robert Winthrop, crew.
