


The following article was written especially for the Crimson by Mr. Lewis Rex Miller, M. A., tutor in the division of History. Mr. Miller, as an Oxford graduate, writes on the subject of the subdivision of the University into smaller colleges and the proposed Honor College. His reactions are those of one who has studied both under the English system and the present one of the University.

"The proposal of the Student Council's Committee on Education to divide Harvard into several small collegiate units will, I believe, appeal strongly to most men who, like myself, have enjoyed, as undergraduates, the hospitality of an Oxford or Cambridge college. Not that those admirable institutions can be reproduced here and now. As Professor Morison points out, we could not reproduce them if we would. But certainly there is a place in our educational world for a university which will give us the advantages of the English colleges.

Collegiate Friendships Will Remain

"There are certain things which a subdivision into colleges would not accomplish. They would not necessarily make it possible, they would not probably make it desirable, for every member of a college to know every other man in his college. But why should this be desired? We all cherish the freedom to choose our own friends and acquaintances, and even lofty college walls are no barrier.

"The advantages of a subdivision into colleges have, I think, been made clear by the Student Council Committee's report. In promoting friendliness and cooperation between faculty and students, in stimulating athletic sports for their own sake rather than as public spectacles, in increasing the thoroughness and humanity of instruction given, the subdivision would be of inestimable value.


Opposes Discrimination of Honor College

"One thing appears to me, however, to merit special mention. That is the suggestion that an Honor College be formed to which only students of higher academic rank should be admitted. It may be that this would be a satisfactory way of initiating this notable departure, but its wisdom appears to me to be at least doubtful. A college, after all, is not run only for the benefit of honor students. An educational institution must develop not only intellect but character. Those who can not, or do not choose to try for distinction also have their place, and among them are many of the best men in the university. To encourage segregation of the better students from these men would work injustice to both classes Distinction and non-distinction men should profit by association with each other, within each college group."
