


The first Freshman crew defeated the University eight by ten feet in a race of a mile and three quarters on the Basin yesterday afternoon. Rowing two or three points lower than Captain Winthrop's crew, the giant 1929 oarsmen covered the distance in 9 minutes 35 seconds.

The second University eight finished two lengths behind, with the third crew trailing still farther back.

Freshmen Rowed Thirty

The Freshman eight, which averages 183 pounds to the man, was in its initial race of the season, and did even better than expected. Coach Haines's crew rowed an average stroke of 30 yesterday and were able to keep ahead of the University boat, which was rowing at a rate of from 32 to 34 strokes to the minute.

The conditions for the race were fairly good, the water was rather rough, but the freshening breeze was behind the crews.. The time was not particularly fast; it will be remembered that about a year ago the 1928 crew covered the course in 9 minutes 10 seconds. However, the present Freshman eight has been on the water a compara- tively short while and has had no racing experience.


The University boat, though trailing almost from the start, rowed well yesterday. It was only the third day that it has rowed in its only the third day that it has rowed in its present order, and a marked improvement is looked for next week, when Captain Winthrop has been at stroke for more than three days.

Third Crew Given Start

In yesterday's race the third University crew was given a head start of two lengths, and was able to keep in the load as far as the Harvard bridge. At the bridge the 1929 crew was leading the University shell by three-quarters of a length.

In the lower Basin the two leading crews drew steadily away, while the second crew caught up with the third and soon passed it. The third boat was caught in the wash of the launches that were trying to keep up with the other shells, and dropped steadily back.

University Sprint Falls

Raising the stroke near the finish, Captain Winthrop's men drove steadily up on the Freshman boat, but the "beef trust," as the 1929 crew is nicknamed, was equal to the task and kept in the lead.

Two other Freshman crews took part in the race informally, dropping out about halfway down the course.

The first 1929 crew has rowed in its present order for a month, and in view of its work yesterday, there seems to be little likelihood of a shift in the near future. The eight is boated as follows:

Stroke, C. McK. Norton; 7, G. N. Saum; 6. B. J. Harrison; 5, Guy Murchee; 4, F. A. Clark; 3, Edward Hamlen; 2, W. T. Emmet; bow, James Lawrence; coxswain, Irving Neiman
