
Daring Yegg Holds Up Matthews Hall Student at Point of Gun--Yard Cops in Frantic Search for Elusive Gunman

Harvard Yard was startled late yesterday afternoon by a daring hold-up in Matthew's Hall. Yard cops and passers-by in this vicinity were attracted by yells from a third story window in the South Entry of Matthews to "watch that door and catch him as he comes out."

Several students and a couple of Yard cops rushed up, on the alert for the dash of a fugitive, only to be greeted some moments later by the inquiring glances of students who swarmed from within. Trapped between two fires, the culprit was yet nowhere to be found.

The crowd grew, and with the arrival of the chief Yard cop some sort of systematic investigation began. Careful inquiries established the following story as authentic:

Three students returned to Matthews 43 about 5 o'clock after a momentary absence. Among them was C. P. Atherton '28, one of the occupants of the room. Stepping into his bedroom he leaned over to open a drawer, when some one seized him by the arm with the injunction to "put em up." At the point of a revolver Atherton backed into the room where his two companions sat. Offering to shoot the first one who moved, the intruder, who was a stocky foreigner of swarthy aspect, sidled toward the door and fled.

N. D. Clapp '28, Atherton's roommate, rushed to the window and called to a near-by Yard cop to watch the door. Several Yard cops and students arrived on the scene immediately, but no sign of the third story man could be seen. Further search also proved to be fruitless and at a late hour last night the bandit was still at large.


Since there is no possibility of escape from this entry except through the front door, which was watched from the moment the intruder left Room 43, it is feared that he may still be lurking somewhere in the interior of Matthews Hall. Several rooms which are occupied by students who were away last night have not yet been entered. The janitor had gone home at the time of the hold-up and no pass keys could be secured. The belief that the fugitive ducked into some unlocked room and snapped the lock after him was still rife among many of the occupants of Matthews late last night.

Skepticism as to the veracity of the story was discredited about six o'clock, when W. J. Buck '28 and H. C. Macomber '28 found unmistakable evidences that their room had been ransacked. Buck's watch was missing and Macomber's bureau drawers and closet were in a state of chaos.
