

Freshmen Will Complete in 15 Events Throughout Season--Pentathalon to Test University

The 1926 outdoor track season was inaugurated yesterday afternoon with a meeting of 200 University and Freshman candidates. Practically all of the winter track squad, with a great many new additions reported.

Coach Farrell, who was the first to address the meeting expressed his satisfaction at the size of the initial turn-out. He then went on to stress the necessity of beginning intensive practice and training immediately on account of the short season. Captain Tibbetts reviewed the success of the track team during the fall and winter seasons and pointed out what an excellent chance the team had to beat Yale and place high in the intercollegiate this spring.

Osborne Announces Innovations

Manager Osborne announced several innovations in the track program for this spring. The most important of these was in connection with the Freshman candidates. Throughout the season an all around competition will be held for each member of the squad. That is, every man will be required to complete in all of the 15 events. Records will be kept and a medal will be awarded to the man who scores the highest total of points. The purpose of this plan is to test the Freshmen in all departments of track so as to discover any possibilities of which they are not themselves aware.

Of a somewhat similar nature is a new feature of the University season. This is a pentathlon, which is to be held the week after the intercollegiate. The system that will be used in judging this is as follows: in the first event a certain number of men, probably 10, will be qualified. Only these 10 will be allowed to enter the second in which the number will be cut to seven or eight. The winner of the last event becomes by this process the winner of the pentathlon.


Training Table Starts Monday

Manager Osborne also announced that trials for places on the squad of 30 which is to make the southern trip will be held on Friday, and that a training table for about 15 or 20 of the University squad would start next Monday.

After the meeting weight men reported for their usual work-outs, while the hurdlers and jumpers joined the runners for a short jog around the Freshman track.

Among the men who reported were four intercollegiate champions: Captain W. L. Tibbetts '26, twice winner of the indoor two-mile intercollegiate championship and a victor last year at the outdoor games in Philadelphia: F. C. Haggerty '27, out-door mile champion; J. N. Watters '26, 1924 half-mile champion, and winner of the indoor mile title last winter; and A. H. Miller '27 who won the 70-yard dash in the intercollegiates the winter before last.
