


The first trials of the spring track season will be held this afternoon at 2.30 o'clock on the Stadium track. The trials will be in all the track and field events for both University and Freshman squads.

The chief purpose of testing the University men at this stage is to enable the coaches to pick the rest of the squad which will make the trip south during vacation.

Fifteen of the 25 men who are going south have already been chosen. They were announced yesterday by Coach Farrell as follows: sprinters, A. H. Miller '27, C. G. T. Lundell '27, and H. B. Peck '26; middle and long distance runners; F. P. Kane '26, J. N. Watters '26, E. C. Haggerty '27, W. S. Tibbetts '26, R. G. Luttman '28, and A. H. O'Neil '28; Jumpers, S. M. Clark '26, S. B. Jones '26; pole vaulter, S. O. Combs '26; and weight man, P. E. Berglund '26, and C. A. Pratt '28.

Southern Jaunt at Stake

The other 10 men will be chosen on the strength of their showing this afternoon and in trials to be held next week. No division or cut will be made in the University squad yet. Coach Farrell said yesterday that there would be no cut at all but that the squad would be divided up later, and the divisions graded. The object of this is to afford every man with better opportunities for personal attention and coaching.


There will be a definite split in the Freshman squad on the strength of this afternoon's trials. The first three or four men in each even will be put on the first squad and will practice regularly in the Stadium with the University runners.

During the last week, on account of the heaviness of the Freshman track, all the men have been working out in the Stadium Coach Farell has pronounced the condition of the men as unusually advanced for this time of year in spite of the poor weather conditions which have prevailed since the opening of the season.

Freshmen Shun Cinders

The chief difficulty which the coaches have been forced to face is the small turn-out of Freshmen so far. Only 50 or 60 have reported, which is not nearly enough for the foundation of a successful team. Coach Farrell has again issued a call to all Freshmen to join the squad. This Applies particularly to men who are not running because they are on probation and can not compete this year.
