

If there is a romantic chapter in the history of this country, it is that which covers the western migration over the Oregon trail. It was before gold in California had been discovered, and the covered wagon and the Indian were in their full glory. Mr. Chase is lecturing on these vagabonds to Oregon at 9 o'clock this morning in Harvard 3.

Every once in a while a diligent stroller finds a new course. Such a one is Geography 7, the title of which makes me suspect that the catalogue is just up to one of its playful little tricks, although there really may be seven courses in geography. Professor Mather is lecturing in this course at 10 o'clock in the Geological Museum, Room 4, on the influence of environment upon man in the Central Andes. Another new course for me offers an attractive subject at the same hour. Professor Carver is lecturing in Economics 7b on "Competition and the Struggle for Existence."

Mendelssohn will be Professor Hill's subject in Music 3 this morning in the Music Building at 12 o'clock. Again 1 must propose an alternative to myself. Professor Conant is lecturing in Fine Arts 3a at the same time in Robinson Hall on "The Derivation of the Christian Church." I have always had an idea that many architectural points in a Christian church could be traced back to nature worship of the crudest sort I would like to know about the origin of a church steeple, for instance.

There are two lectures scheduled for this evening at 8 o'clock, both of which I would like to hear. One of them will be in Building A of the Observatory, where Mr. Horace Taylor will lecture on "Other Life in the Universe". The other will be in Emerson D. the first of a series of lectures by Dr. Fritz Kellermann. Studienrat in Kassel, on recent influences and tendencies in German education. He will speak tonight more specifically on the Youth Movement and the new demands on education which have been made in this century.
