
Chapel and Chair


To the Editor of the CRIMSON:

I read in the Boston Herald Mr. Stillman's letter to the CRIMSON in which he opposes "the suggestion of having a new chapel, since worship is irretrievably dissociated from Harvard . . . and at best a rather sterile and lifeless affair"; going on to propose as more appropriate the endowment of "a Chair to promote the abolition of war."

May I comment that education for Peace is precisely what a church does or at least should do. The world's greatest peace-maker and peace teacher is Jesus Christ. When men have learned to live up to the teachings of this Prince of Peace they will go to war no more. There are economic reasons against war, and political and eugenic and humanitarian reasons, good reasons all, but men will still resort to bayonet and bomb so long as they have not imbibed the spirit of the Nazarene. That spirit is religious, of God, and produced and multiplied in a place of worship even better than in a place of scholarship. Only the highest ideals and the deepest convictions will uproot the seeds of war. These ideas and convictions are born of religion. Let us have our chapel and also the professor's Chair to aid and abet the altar and the pulpit. George L. Paine '96.
