Ground has been broken for the first time in the preliminary work which has commenced on the John W. Wecks Memorial Foot Bridge. This bridge which is intended eventually to connect the University with the new Business School is to begin on the Cambridge side opposite McKinlock Hall. Although the bridge is to be 25 feet wide when first constructed, admitting only of foot passage, the supports, are to be placed so that it can be increased to 40 feet and thus accommodate vehicle traffic. Work thus far, which is being done under state supervision, has consisted in making borings to ascertain the nature of the ground in which the foundations must be laid. With four different gangs working, eleven borings have been made in all, nine through the ice on the river and one on each bank. The figures taken at boring number four, one of those where the drill was set up on the ice, indicate a considerable layer of clay under the river bottom which the superintendent of the works declared would be favorable to further construction. Plans for the bridge have been drawn, but arrangements for the entire work have not been definitely completed.
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