

The rumored intention of King Alfonso to fly across the Atlantic to South America has aroused considerable commotion in the Spanish court. But whether or not he goes, the gesture is significant of Spain's intention to draw closer to the countries of Latin America. Moreover, the enthusiastic reception accorded by his fellow Latins to Commandant Franco in his recent flight illustrates a reciprocal attitude across the South Atlantic.

North American attention is seldom focused on the passing trials of our neighbors to the south. Now, however, there appears to have emerged a movement of some consequence, Pan Latinism. It hints at the union of South and Central American countries as well as brotherly affiliation with their European kin in Spain, Italy and Portugal.

Its assumption of both a cultural and a racial aspect makes this renaissance the logical reaction to the fashionable Nordic propaganda of late years. But the suggestion of a cultural and racial alignment of Teuton against Mediterranean is rather formidable in the contemplation. A further thought, however, will convince that the turbulent and comparatively poor nations of the south can be imagining nothing so wild as conflict to secure their racial dignity. It is much more likely that the progress of Pan Latinism will find the Latins trying to emulate the more successful features of northern society, its industry, its educational standards, possibly, although the supposition is fraught with interesting doubts, its political stability.
