The following review of the St. Patrick's, or Policeman's, issue of the Lampoon was written for the Crimson by F. P. Collier, famous cartoonist and creator of Otto Grow.
This is uh review uv th' Harvard Lampoon.
Th' editors has asked me t' say uh woid about th' St. Patrick's number. I thought thet St. Patrick wus dead, but then we all make mistakes.
I shud say thet this wus a very good number. It mebbe aint quite up to the issue uv th' CRIMSON thet hed th' artickle in it uhbout me, but it is uh good number.
This issue wud tickle Bill Nugent, our advertisin' manager silly. It leads right off with uh nice healthy line uv advertisements.
They some deep stuff in it an' I don't git it all. For instunce, it sez inside, Honi soit qui mal Y pense, which is woise then th' way I spell.
Th' picture entitled "Venus on the' half shell" aint half so hard t' understand, or t' look at either.
I'm glad they got in uh crack uhbout thet christmus tree on th' corner uv Tremont an' Boylstun Streets, better known ez James F Mahoney Square. Ef any uv these Harvard undergraduates understand whut th' thing is all uhbout--I mean th' Xmas tree signul--then there educatiun aint in vain
Th' late Lampoon-CRIMSON battle which I understand frum uh Lampoon man, was won by th' Lampoon wus one uv them instances where your glad thet they wus a victory at Cambridge. They shud hev staged it last fall, durin th' football season.
Ez th' editor so truly sez at th' end uv his editoriul. "Morituri Salutamus" I fully agree with him, but I think they're lettin too many uv these foreigners inter th' country.
P.S. I read uh magazine different then most folkses, an generally gft to the cover last which is why I mentian it last. It's uh peach, although I didn't know they hed uh Lard Anderson Bridge in lreland. I recognise thet ossifer in the boat with th' whistle. He's th' guy that bawled me out last time I wus in Cambridge. I wisht th' artist hed drawn his cars bigger.
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