

Former Editor of Century Will Speak on "Revolt Against Education" at Gathering Today

Dr. Glenn Frank, President of the University of Wisconsin, will visit the University today to attend the thirty-fifth annual meeting of the Harvard Teachers' Association. With Sir John Adams, Professor Emeritus of the University of London he will speak at the dinner of the Association to be held at 1 o'clock this afternoon in Riverbank Court, Cambridge.

Dr. Frank is a figure of the first importance in American education. Before taking up his present position in the University of Wisconsin, he was editor of the Century Magazine. Taking charge of the publication at a time when its fortunes were at a low ebb, he succeeded in raising it to its present position among current magazines. In his work in the field of education Dr. Frank has been characterized by his liberal views and open mindedness to educational experiments. One of the best known examples of the liberal sympathies of his administration is the recent acquisition of Dr. Meiklejohn, former President of Amherst, by Wisconsin. Dr. Frank will speak this afternoon on "The Revolt Against Education."

The Harvard Teacher's Association, founded in 1891, is one of the oldest institutions of its kind in this country. The Association was originally organized by Professor P. H. Hanus, the first professor in the Harvard School of Education. For a number of years Professor Hanus undertook to carry on the duties of secretary of the Association during which time he built it up to its present proportions. After his resignation Professor Henry W. Holmes '03, Dean of the Graduate School of Education, was chosen for the office of secretary. Among the distinguished presidents of the association are the late James J. Storrow '85, President Emeritus Eliot '53, and the late Frank V. Thompson, superintendent of Boston schools. The purpose of the Association is to promote the interchange of thought on educational maters among the teachers and school officers among the teachers and school officers whom the University has sent forth. Membership is open to officers and graduates of Harvard College, including the Summer School, and of Radcliffe College.
