Individual and box applications for the Junior Dance to be held in Memorial Hall on March 19, will be received by the Dance Committee until 10 o'clock tomorrow night, it was announced yesterday by J. R. Burke '27, Chairman of the committee. The committee will not be able to accept late applications and in order to make it more convenient for applicants to make known their intentions, a member of the committee will be in Randolph 48 between 1 and 10 o'clock today and tomorrow.
The provisions as announced by the committee in regard to occupancy of the boxes for the dance are as follows:
1. Each girl and her escort will be assigned to a box.
2. To facilitate conditions, groups of six or 12 couples are asked to elect a chairman who should fill out an application for the entire group.
3. All couples who do not submit box applications will be assigned to a box by the committee.
Galvin Must Supply Flowers
4. Stags may not be included in box applications.
5. Applications for boxes must be made by groups of six or 12 couples.
6. Those groups which are not complete will be assigned to boxes and kept intact in so far as possible.
7. Boxes will be uniformly decorated by the committee.
8. Extra decorations in the way of cut flowers, wreathes, and other decorations may be placed in the boxes at the expense of the individuals.
9. Extra decorations should be purchased from T. F. Galvin Jr. of 98 Federal Street, Boston, who is decorating the hall and giving special rates for decorations.
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