

The not unheralded appointment of William J. Bingham '26 as Director of Athletics admirably rounds out the promise of the most auspicious development of recent years in Harvard sport policy. At the announcement of the new position the hope was expressed in this column and elsewhere that Mr. Bingham would be its first incumbent. Confirmation of this hope appreciably heightens expectations of the benefits to be derived from this new liaison between faculty and athletics.

The appointment brings into the faculty a man deeply interested in the "athletics for all" policy, and with him it places this policy on a level of academic equality with the intellectual concerns of the University. At once it fills out the athletic policy and sets it on a broad foundation.

The proper prominence which the new office and the new appointee bestow upon the physical side of education redounds greatly to the completeness of the University. Mr. Bingham upon his admission to this promising position carries with him the good-will of all Harvard men as well as their appreciation of the wisdom which actuated his selection.
