Since the University menu is rather devoid of manna for early rising Vagabonds, I see no reason to face the world of culture and the criticism thereof until the late hour of ten when I shall probably breakfast--not en pantouffles--at the Georgian where it is rumored there will be fresh cream for the first morning in some months and a new and lighter group of doughnuts. Having then apprized myself of various financial rises in the locality which have my Vagabond mind rather worried, I shall wend my way to Sever 35 where Dr Maynadier at eleven o'clock promises to discuss a gentleman, hight Borrow, whose name has a subtle attraction for the wandering soul. This will prevent my hearing Professor Edgell in his lecture on Fifteenth Century Architecture at Fogg. But this Vagabond has as yet failed to develop a dual personality--and the name Borrow has such charm.
Noon, however, presents difficulties. Though food will be far--about a block--from my thoughts--I shall probably smoke--adding my pittance to the collection before Emerson. For there I shall stand and puzzle the question of a twelve o'clock. Nor is this one easy question to decide. Professor Copeland--though he considers Vagabonds too casual for real appreciation of Dr. Johnson, surely cannot refuse one peregrinating beggar from hearing him discuss from the rostrum of Sever 11 certain moot points in the works of the great lexicographer. And in Emerson D Professor Hocking manifestly welcomes argument on the Case of Democracy--argument perhaps a trifle subtle for Vagabondian comprehension--but at all events, worth while. Yet the Semitic Museum will no doubt win the day, for no Vagabond can resist the temptation to hear of his ancestors, and Professor Hooton in Room A will talk on the Cro-Magnon Man foremost of Vagabonds. Thus endeth the morning. And Boze Suyder is playing at Waldron's in the afternoon.
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