It would require at least half a dozen student vagabonds today to attend the lectures which require the consideration of every chronic lecture room loiterer. At 9 o'clock nothing of great importance is likely to occur beyond those events which always enliven the existence of every Yard dweller at the hour when mops and pails come into their own in hands of the Yard biddies.
At 10 o'clock the menu which appeals most to my Polichinelle nature is offered by Professor Spaulding, whose lecture in the Music Building will be accompanied by songs illustrative of the musicians work sung by Mr. Joseph Lautner. At the same time Professor Copeland, in Sever 11, will talk on Burke in English 28.
There is no question in my mind as to the place where my time will best be spent at 11 o'clock this morning. It is Emerson J, where Professor Edgell will give the first talk of an invaluable series on the Italian Sculptors of the High Renaissance.
With three lectures, all of which promise to be more than ordinarily interesting, scheduled to be given at noon today, only the geometrical impossibility of keeping one indivisible body in more than one place at a given time prevents me from being present at Fine Arts 4a, Comparative Literature 11 and English 76. Probably the thing to do will be to follow closely after Professor Edgell when he leaves Emerson J for Robinson, where he will speak on Antonio da Lougallo the younger, and Boldassare Peruzzi Professor Babbitt will talk on the aesthetic letters of Schiller this noon in Harvard 5 and if only because of hearing a few other lectures by Professor Babbitt the temptation to forsake my pursuit of Professor Edgell and the fine arts for the upper reaches of Harvard Hall grows constantly stronger. To make matters even more complicated Dr. Murdock has announced a lecture on "English books of contemplations and questions of the Seventeenth Century" which he will give in Harvard 3.
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