


Three men from the championship hockey team and one from the successful basketball team will report this afternoon to Coach Mitchell of baseball for their first work-out of the 1926 season.

The three skaters are Zarakov, Ellison, and Chase, and Barbee, who has been starring at guard on Coach Wachter's basketball team. Zarakov, a flashy infielder, captained his Freshman team, and this year was awarded both the Wingate Cup and Wendall Bat for his performance on the 1925 diamond. The Cup is given to the best general player and the best general player, and the Bat to the best offensive player.

Ellison, next year's hockey captain, played on his Freshman nine and won his H last year. Chase and Barbee both earned numerals last spring. Barbee pitched the whole Yale game, losing only by the close score of 2 to 1.

Freshmen Must Bring Equipment

Coach Claude Davison will call out all Freshman aspirants for infield and outfield berths on the 1929 nine this afternoon at 4 o'clock. The battery candidates have been at work for several weeks. This is the fourth year that Coach Davison has been the Freshman mentor. He will be aided this year by Coach Mitchell of the University team. Coach Mitchell will devote an hour each afternoon to the yearlings while the weather forces them to go through their periods of practice in the cage. When they go outside on to Soldier's Field, he will devote one afternoon a week to furthering their development. The H.A.A. has no equipment on hand for Freshmen, so they are asked to bring out their own. Manager Sommers said last night.


A second-team coach for this year has not as yet been decide upon, but it is expected that Coach Mitchell will announce who will fill the position sometime during the coming week.
