The University matmen will bring the season to a conclusion when they oppose the Yale wrestling team at 8 o'clock this evening in the Hemenway Gymnasium.
Both teams have shown remarkable improvement, over rather poor early season form, in working toward this objective. The Yale team was handicapped for several weeks by the loss of Miller and several other regulars through sickness and injuries. It was chiefly on account of this that they lost to Brown. West Point, and Lehigh, all three of which had exceptionally strong teams. The Yale team has, however, defeated small margin. The University lost to M.I.T., using many substitutes, and later by a close decision to Princeton. But Yale's apparent advantage through her victory over Princeton is counterbalanced by the University's win from Brown last Saturday. On the basis of comparative scores there is thus little to choose between tonight's rivals.
Russell Blue's Best
On the Yale team F. F. Russell is the present intercollegiate champion in the 175-pound class. He is also captain of the Blue grapplers this year. In the 158-pound class B. C. Miller, who captained last year's Freshman team, has won every bout this season by a fall. Perhaps the most interesting bout of the meet from the standpoint of outsiders is that scheduled between C. H. Bradford '26 and Allen are well known as football rivals who played prominent roles in the Harvard-Yale gridiron battle last fall. Bradford, captain of the University wrestlers has been one of the mainstays of the team for the last three years. Allen on the other hand has never wrestled before this year, but his record so far has been impressive. He won from Meislahn of Princeton, who defeated captain Bradford in the decisive match of the Harvard Princeton meet.
The line-ups are as follows:
Harvard: 115 pound--B. C. Turner '27, 125-pound--B. F. Goldberg '26, 135-pound--Carl Stearns '26, 145-pound--G. M. Cushing '28, 158--pound--Henry Wood '27, 175-pound--F. B. Hayne '26, unlimited--C. H. Bradford '26, captain.
Yale: 115-pound--M. J. Krevitt, 125-pound--G. H. Conklin, 135-pound--C. J. Clopper, 145-pound--E. T. Cornish, 158-pound--B. C. Miller, 175-pound--F. F. Russell, captain, Unlimited--D. F. Allen.
1929 Also Opposes Blue
At 7 o'clock, before the University meet, the 1929 grapplers will engage the Blue first-year men. The Yale Freshman team has had a successful season having defeated the Brown Freshmen, Andover and Blair, and tied Choate. The latter has one of the strongest school teams in New England. The Crimson Freshmen after their recent victories over Brown and Springfield expect, in spite of the strength of the Blue team, to make a strong bid for victory.
The line-ups follow:
Harvard: 115-pound--E. J. Brown, 125-pound F. H. Pollard, 135-pound--Joseph Lifrak, 145-pound--A. C. Churehill, 158-pound--F. K. Arnold, 175-pound--H. De W. Bowersock, unlimited Guy Murchie.
Yale: 115-pound--G. Gilman, 125-pound J. A. Drake, 135-pound--H. W. Wylee. 145-pound B. Dodd, 15-pound--A. C. Hoffman, 175-pound--J. F. Oldt, Unlimited B. J. Lee.
The admission to the Harvard-Yale Wrestling Meet this evening will be one dollar, H. A. A. book holders will be admitted on coupon and an additional payment of 50 cents.
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