
In the Graduate Schools

Epstein, Platt, and Schwarz Given Places on New Board

With the appointment last night of the editors of the three departments of the Law Review, the membership of the new Board is complete.

The men whom H. J. Friendly 2L, the Lewly elected president, chose as his assistants were Charles Sprague Epstein 2L, a graduate of the City College of New York of the class of '24, who has been made Note editor; Joseph Swan Platt 2L, Yale '24 who will take charge of the Book Review Department, and Frederick August Otto Schwarz 2L., a Harvard graduate of the class of '24, who will edit the Case department. Epstein is well qualified to edit the Notes as he received the second highest grade of the first year Law School class last year. Platt also ranked very high in his class. Schwarz, while at college was President of the CRIMSON as well as of the Student Council and also held a number of other offices being finally elected permanent secretary of his class.

The new Board will undertake the preparation of the issues of the Law Review for May and June under the supervision of the retiring Board.

Covers Wide Field

Work on the Law, Review, which is carried on entirely by the students is divided into three departments, each of which is supervised by an editor. The Note department contains extended comments on various questions and corners of the law suggested by the problems arising in recent cases. Interesting cases are discussed in this department in detail and at some length, and their history and entire course is considered. The Book Review department is occupied in editing review of current books which have a bearing on the law, and are usually written by professors of the Law School.


The Cases are in some respects similar to the Notes. In the Case department, however, briefer comment is made upon a large number of recent cases and is made up to a great extent of citations of authority for the various decisions in the history of each case. In selecting cases for comment in the Review, the editors examine the decisions of the appellate courts of all the individual states, the United States, Great Britain Canada, and Australia.
