


HARVARD 1929  YALE 1920 Bailey r.f.  l.g. Charleswroth O'Council l.f.  r. g. Brockelman Filoon c.  c. Miner Burns r.g.  l.f. Fodders Jaffe l.g.  r.f. Harris

A highly successful Harvard Freshman quintet will journey to New Haven to meet an equally formidable team of Yale basketeers this evening.

The Crimson first year men have completed the season up to date with the loss of but two games, one of which was lost to Andover, later defeated by the Yale 1929 quintet.

Result is Toss-Up

There is not a great deal of choice between the records of the game should be a toss-up between them. The Crimson team, however, has sustained an usually heavy loss in Thackaberry, star center, and Robinson, former captain and guard. The team that Coach A. W. Samborski '25 is sending in against Yale is a powerful quintet, although it lacks the coordination which it possesses with its regular line-up intact.


The team was entered against Milton Academy Wednesday in a practice game which was secured in order to test its strength Proof that the Eli first year men will find the Crimson team again on the upgrade was shown by the fact that Milton came out on the short end of a 34 to 32 score.

Has improved Rapidly

Filoon, who will replace Thackaberry at center has shown an unusually good brand of basketball lately, and Jaffe, who will take Robinson's position at guard was a regular in that position in the early games of the season.

Captain Burns, former Andover player and star of the Harvard quintet, has been playing brilliant basketball all season. He is an excellent shot, and is hard to stop when dribbling down the floor. He and Bailey have proved a dangerous combination when working together.

Ten Taken on Squad

Manager Stewart Boal has announced that the following men will take the 1.05 train for New Haven: Bailey, Captain Burns, Filoon, Hall, Jaffe, Ketchum, Keyes, Mahoney, O'Connell, Valentine, and Zeller.

The Yale Freshmen under the leadership of Captain Charlesworth, are expected to put up a stiff fight. They feel that they have the advantage over the Crimson because of the 27 to 17 beating they gave Andover. The comparative scores of the Choate games, however, seem to indicate otherwise. Yale defeated Choate 28 to 17, and Harvard took that school into camp by a 31 to 21 score.

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