

Appointments of Note, Case, and Book Review Editors Soon to Be Made Public by Newly Chosen Head

At a recent meeting of the Law Review Board held at the Colonial Club, Henry Jacob Friendly 2L. of Elmira, N. Y., was elected president for next year. Friendly is a Harvard graduate of the class of '23. While at the College he won the Sheldon Travelling Scholarship and after graduation studied abroad for a year. At the Law School he led his class last year. The treasurer elected for next year is Lemire Thomas Rice 2L. of Escanaba, Mich., a graduate of the University of Michigan in 1923.

Appointments of Note, Case, and Book-Review editors who will head those departments of the publication will be made within two or three days by the newly elected president.

Review Election is High Honor

The Law Review is generally considered one of the leading law periodicals of the world. Although it is the official publication of the Law School it is run entirely by the students, and the ideas and opinions expressed in it are free from the Law School authorities. The Board of the Law Review consists of about 25 members, a large number of whom are "A" men, made up of those students who received the highest marks in their classes. Membership on the Board is therefore the highest academic reward open to Law Students.
