"The Yale in China movement is the greatest mission work that has ever been undertaken by any University in the world," Dr. Brewer Eddy of the American Board of Foreign Missions told a CRIMSON reporter yesterday. "Yale is the only university which seems able to sustain such a work on a high plane of excellence and efficiency. The institution itself which is maintained entirely by the endowments of Yale men and the efforts of young graduates, as teachers and doctors, exerts a large influence throughout the southern part of China where it is located."
Asiatics Envy the West
Turning then from the work of Yale in the Far East to a brief discussion of the eastern attitude toward western education, Dr. Eddy said, "The great ambition of every Asiatic student is to complete his education in the West. He may resent the encroachments of western civilization and he may even be outspoken in denouncing the western nations, but he realizes that the key to power in the East lies in a western training. Gandhi and his disciples are of course diametrically opposed to the Easterner's completing his education in Europe or America, but as yet the Gandhi doctrine of eastern self-sufficiency has not had a widespread practical influence."
U. S. vs. European Education
The CRIMSON reporter then asked what comparison the Asiatics make between the educational institutions of Europe and America. "In China, since the can cellation of the Chinese indemnity to this country, the tendency has been all to America. You will find at present at least ten times as many Chinese students coming here as going to all the countries of Europe put together. In Japan, however, the situation is different. The Japanese have always been closely connected with England and France, as well as Germany, and we also lose many of the best Japanese students through our right immigration laws. The higher type of Japanese refuses to go through the disagreeable degradation which has become necessary in entering the United States."
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