In the meeting of the Student Council held last night, three radical changes over previous years were decided upon. The first and in some ways the most important of these is that starting with this year the Student Council elections will be held toward the end of March, this year upon Tuesday, the thirtieth.
In the second place it was decided to make the Register purely a College publication leaving out the Graduate Schools; and thirdly, a committee was appointed to draw up definite plans for the Budget.
In regard to the first of these changes, namely the shifting of the date of the Student Council elections, it was felt that by holding the elections in the spring rather than in the fall the new Council would have more time to get into smooth working order and would be ready for business at the beginning of the next college year. In this system, the old and new Councils will sit together for a certain length of time and will give a joint dinner to which all members of the Councils will be invited, as well as the chairmen of those committees which have collaborated with the Student Council. The newly appointed Council will hold its first meeting some time in April or May and at this meeting will elect its officers and members for the following year.
Undergraduate to be Register Editor
In making the Register purely a college catalogue it was felt that more efficiency in its publication would result. The Register moreover, it was unanimously voted, is to be turned over to some individual undergraduate for editing; the choice of the Editor will be in the hands of the Student Employment agency.
In addition to these two radical changes from the previous policy, another innovation was decided upon when a committee was appointed consisting of J. F. Barnes '27, chairman; H. S. Woodbridge '27, W. A. Magie '28, Winslow Carlton '29 and F. V. Field '27, and J. C. McGlone '26 exofficio members to draw up a detailed program for the Budget. The Budget, which has not yet been accepted will again be brought under consideration when this committee submits its report to the Student Council next week.
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