Journalistic and photographic ability will come into their own this evening when all Freshmen who possess talent actual or potential, in these two lines report at the CRIMSON office at 14 Plympton Street to put their faculties into use. The preliminary meeting will be held at 7 o'clock, when experienced CRIMSON editors will explain to the new candidates the scope of their activitis and the extent of their duties. At the same time a last chance will be offered to Juniors to compete for positions on the editorial staff. All three competitions: Freshman News, Freshman Photographic and Junior Editorial, will be given their initial impetus this evening at 7 o'clock in the office of the President of the CRIMSON.
Details Will Be Explained
After the general organization of the CRIMSON has been explained together with the standards set in CRIMSON competitions, the new candidates will be taken by the various departments they are entering for a detailed explanation of the work for the next two months.
News candidates will enter upon the duties required of all reporters on any metropolitan daily. They will be as signed to certain stories, will be given the opportunity to meet any and all people of interest within reach in the search for news and special articles and will be given comprehensive instruction in the mechanics of writing news.
Photographic candidates will be as signed work in the darkroom and office and will be sent out for required and scoop photographs.
The widest field of all is open to the Junior editorial candidates. Although subjects for editorials may occasionally be assigned to them, for the most part they are free to write on any subject they may desire.
Previous experience is not at all necessary for any of the competitions. Men who have had no opportunity to do newspaper work before coming to college will find themselves under no disadvantage in the race for positions on the board.
All three competitions will be of approximately 11 weeks' duration. The work will be broken by the spring vacation, during which the CRIMSON is not published and no work will be required.
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