

Former Track Captain Appointed Assistant Coach--Soccer Team in New League--Freshman Schedules Given

Amendment of the rule providing for the granting of the crew "H", the appointment of H. T. Dunker '25 as assistant track coach for the rest of the year, permission allowing the soccer team to join the Intercollegiate Soccer Football Association, and the announcement of several schedules are embodied in the report of the meeting of the Athletic Committee, issued last night.

The Crew H, will henceforth be awarded to those who, graduating in three years or at midyears in the Senior year, have rowed on the Second Crew during the last rowing season before taking their degree.

Dunker was captain of last year's track team, and was a star shot-putter. He will assist Coach Farrell with the weight men.

The new Association which the soccer team is joining is newly formed by the reorganization of the Intercollegiate Association Football League.

Spring Trip Abolished


Outstanding in the list of schedules announced is the Freshman baseball list. This year the number of games on the schedule is smaller than usual, as the customary vacation trip through Connecticut has been abandoned.

The Freshman baseball list is as follows:

April 10, Middlesex at Concord; 14, Wentworth Institute; 16, Huntington; 28, Cushing Academy; May 1, Worcester Academy; 5, Brown '29; 8, Exeter at Exeter; 12, Holy Cross '29; 15, Dartmouth '29; 22, Andover at Andover; 29, Yale '29 at New Haven.

No New Opponents

The Freshman football schedule for next fall contains games with the school teams that have opposed the first-year-men for several seasons. It follows:

October 9, Andover at Andover; 16, Exeter at Exeter; 23, Worcester Academy; 30, Open; November 5, Open, or Second Team; 13, Yale at New Haven.
