

Will Speak at the Union Where Mallory Promised to Return Successful Three Years Ago

Captain George Leigh Mallory, just three years ago, gave a lecture at the Union in which he showed pictures of Mt. Everest in the Himalayas and said that his next expedition would win the hard fight and reach the top of the mountain. Shortly afterward he tried again to reach the summit and 800 feet from his goal the swirling snow hid him from those far below who were watching with powerful telescopes and he has never been seen since. Captain John Baptist Noel who was with the expedition will give a lecture at 8 o'clock next Thursday evening in the Union Living Room which will be illustrated with moving pictures showing the ill fated expedition in the Himalayas.

Saw Him Disappear

Captain Noel was official photographer of the 1924 expedition. By the aid of telescopic lens his cameras took pictures of Mallory and his companion Irvine as they climbed up and up through the snow and ice over a mile away from the watchers. With oxygen tanks strapped to their backs, necessary because of the highly rarified atmosphere. Mallory and Irvine struggled on until they dwindled to black pinpoints in the camera's lens. At times blasts of snow and wind hid them completely from sight. Finally, 800 feet from the top, they were obscured by a stronger gust which lasted for some time. When the air was clear again there was no sign of the adventurers.

Whether they were buried where they were last seen or whether they climbed on, perhaps to the very top and then were overcome will never be known. Somewhere near the summit the two explorers are still sleeping.

Another expedition is being planned now in the hope that the fate which has met countless climbers will be vanquished in 1926.


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