The liquor controversy is a whirlwind which perennially evolves queerly quirked episodes. Were it not for the prohibition joke, many a humorous magazine must before now have run out of material. And outside the field of the professional wit there is ever a perpetual merry-go-round upon whose hobby horses ride the garrulous politicians.
Latest among ridiculous developments is the offer of a Milwaukee brewery to supply each Congressman with one free case of real beer for the purpose of his testing its intoxicating power. No mention is made of the possibility that such a beer garden entertainment would merely prove a stein bout to see whose was the strongest Congressional head.
The generous gesture from Milwaukee indeed resolves itself into an ironic absurdity a very ordinary bourgeoise jest. The wet Senators, unfortunately for them, will come out of the small end of the drinking horn--very dry, for it is far from the realms of possibility that the Prohibition elders will allow their erring brethren the excuse for any such delightful legalistic temporizing. Prohibition has come, prohibition shall stay; and the joke is on the American Tantalus.
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