

Professor Holcombe will speak at 9 o'clock this morning to Government I in the New Lecture Hall on "The Legislative Power", a subject which recent discussion on Congressional efficiency renders timely. The lecture will be, besides one of general interest, introductory to the more detailed study of American government, which comes later in the course.

Having adjusted my mind so early in the morning to one big course and one introductory lecture, I can do little better than to walk down to the Geological Lecture Room at 10 to hear Professor parker in another. Biology I has been reversed this year, so that zoology follows the other sciences which make up that comprehensive course. Professor parker will discuss the natural history of the higher animals, having treated that of the lower animals last week.

Professor Howard talked about the Schlemiels last Thursday and by today in his course on German literature he is well into the Romantic movement. I plan to go to the Germanic Museum at 11 o'clock to hear him discuss Tieck and Wackenroder, two of the most important figures in the Sturm and Drang period. I wonder just how many courses offered by the University treat some phase of the Romantic movement; the ghest of Jean-Jacques must be mightily amused at his new tound academic dignity.

At noon there is a surfeit of interesting lectures today. It ruffles a vagabond's self complaceney. Dr. Demos is speaking in Emerson A on "Egoism and Altruism". Professor Edgell in Robinson Hall is going to talk about two magnificent architects, Brunelleschi and Michelozzo, in Fine Arts 4a. In the Music Building, Professor Bill in his course on the Russian Nationalists is to talk about Balakirev, a strange but great musiclan. And then I remember Professor Lake's Old Testament lecture in Emerson D, and Professor Babbitt's lecture on the Romantic Movement in Harvard 6, and 1 give up in despair.
