

M. Jan Balinski-Jundzil and Mr. Ivison Macadam, Officers of C.L.E., Are Guests of Honor--Hudson Presides

Step to insure the stability and effectiveness of the National Student Federation of the United States of America as a permanent institution and a force in all student activities, were taken at a meeting of delegates to the Federation Conference which was held Saturday in New York City.

Eleven delegates from the colleges of Georgia, Harvard, Howard, Michigan, Ohio State, Princeton, Texas, Vassar, Virginia and Wellesley formed the Executive Committee Meeting which was held and which passed judgment on 13 questions submitted.

It was voted to accept the Rothschild student travel scheme which will permit 400 American college undergraduates to go to Europe next summer for study and travel in foreign colleges and to end up at the congress of the Confederation International des Etudiants which will be held in Prague in the fall. A travel committee composed of Marion Breckenridge of Vassar, Lewis Fox Princeton '26, and F.V. Field '27 was appointed.

Delegate To Go To England

F.V. Field '27, was appointed to supervise the publication of a pamphlet to contain all available information on scholarships which are open to American students, and hostellries and bureaux abroad at which American students can receive aid.


Lewis Fox, President of the committee was appointed to attend the conference of the English National Union of Students in London, March 25-31 this spring.

It was also decided to form a Clearing House Committee at Princeton which will file all student periodicals published in the United States, together with all newspaper clippings and miscellaneous publications which have direct bearing on student activities. When the Clearing House is organized colleges all over the country will be able to use it as an information bureau for the activities of all other colleges.

The date for the next conference of the Federation which will be held at he University of Michigan was set for the weekend of December 4, 1926.

It was decided that all funds for the Federation will be raised by Personal solicitation. Under this ruling no college or university will be obligated financially and the Federation will be assured complete independence of individual institutions of learning.

Crimson Gives Reception Tonight

A committee composed of F.V. Field '27 and Thomas Greene of the University of Georgia was appointed to investigate the possibilities of obtaining reduced railroad rates for students. If the railroad companies can be induced to cut down on fares for students the work of national student union will be greatly facilitated.

Manley O. Hudson, Bemis, Professor of International Law, will preside at the dinner which will be given by the Student Federation at the Union this evening to M. Jan Balinski-Jundzill, President of the Confederation Internationale des Etudiants and Mr. Ivison Macadam., Vice President of the C.I.E., who will speak on the Student Friendship Drive.

This evening students from greater Boston who have been invited personally will be hosts at a reception to be given in the CRIMSON sanctum to Mr. Balinski Jundaill and Mr. Macadam, President Lowell, Professor Hudson, Professor Elliott, Miss Elennor Dodge and other people prominent in the fostering of international understanding will be present.
