
Three Freshmen Teams and University Polo Struggle With Opponents--Fre shman Quint Defeats Lomis


The Freshman basketball five scored its sixth victory for this year in its hard fought tilt with a fast schoolboy team from Loomis yesterday.

The first half of the game failed to show any very decided advantage on the part of either team and ended with a score of 12 to 8 in favor of the Freshmen. After the half the schoolboys opened up a rapid fire offense which carried the ball repeatedly to the Freshman net. The Crimson quintet rallied and hammered the edge of the Springfield basket with long and close shots which failed to score.

Each team scored eight field goals and the Crimson men won out by their free throws, scoring six out of a possible nine. Loomis with a possible 11 scored only four.



The Freshman Wrestling team will meet the Springfield first year grapplers at Hemenway this afternoon in their fourth start of the season and just a week after the Harvard first team subdued the Springfield regulars by a large score.

The Crimson lineup will be the same as that which faced M. I. T. last Wednesday except for a couple of minor changes which are the result of tournaments which have been held during the two days since the Tech first year grapplers went down to defeat. As Springfield has a rather indifferent record the Freshmen are not expected to meet very hard oppositions.

The men who will start and their weights are: E. J. Brown, 115-pound; F. H. Pollard, 125-pound; Joseph Lifrak, 135-pound; A. G. Churchill 145-pound; F. W. Arnold, 158-pound; W. C. Goodwin, 175-pound; and Guy Murchie, unlimited.


The 1929 Relay team journeys to Andover today to take part in the scholastic meet on the prep school track this afternoon. The Freshman four will race the Andover quartet in a mile relay which is expected to be the feature event of the meet.

Andover has already defeated the Freshman track team in the regular meet last Saturday but the two relay teams did not get into action at that time. The five men from whom the four Harvard starters will be chosen are Hulsman, Tupper, Smith, Coleman, and Dorman.

Four of the first year men saw action against Yale two weeks ago at the B. A. A. meet and were defeated by the Elis in the fast time of 3 min. 41 sec. The Freshmen have also lost to M. I. T.


The Crimson polo trio left for West Point yesterday afternoon determined to repeat this year their 16 to 5 massacre of the Army horsemen last season. With two of the Crimson starters in the game with the Cadets a year ago facing them again this year the prospects for a repetition seem especially bright.


The undefeated Freshman hockey sextet will get into action this afternoon in the Arena against the Dartmouth Freshmen preliminary to the big game between the two University aggregations on the same ice this evening. The game will start at 2.15 o'clock.

The Freshmen have a very impressive record of seven wins and only one tie. The lone team which has the distinction of holding the Freshmen to even terms is the Melrose High sextet which tied the first year players two weeks ago when the condition of the rink prohibited an extra period to allow the game to come to a decision This is the first time the Freshmen have met a college first year team this year and is the first game of the major series with the Dartmouth, Yale and Princeton Freshmen.

The Dartmouth players can boast no such impressive record as the Harvard sextet but they have been dogged throughout the season by bad weather conditions which have forced the cancellation of many scheduled games. Their record so far consists of wins over some small New Hampshire academies and a win over Kent School's powerful team for the first time in five years. Evidently the Green players have an ability which their record does not show as Kent is always noted for its strong stickmen, the ice.

The Freshmen are starting their regular lineup in the game this afternoon and the Dartmouth players are the same as the starters in the few games the Green has played.
