

Certain, colleges, tend to stamp their mark on the students that attend these institutions. They cannot entirely equalize individual differences but they can make an undergraduate body enough of a unit so that it has different qualities from that of another college. The same environment, the same method of instruction, similar customs and traditions tend to form a whole from a heterogeneous mass of preparatory and high school graduates.

To distinguish the characteristics of the student body at Dartmouth is a difficult task for one who is a part of that body and who cannot accurately compare it to other groups. But there is one quality which seems to be lacking among Dartmouth undergraduates, and that is enthusiasm.

A recent visitor to Hanover, who had just come from a nearby Women's college, was surprised at the nonchalance with which the undergraduates of this college went about their various tasks. Everyone seemed to be taking their time. There was no bustle, rush and confusion. "At Blank, College everyone seemed to be in a hurry."

A few weeks ago an editorial was printed in this column condemning the manner in which football rallies were conducted. It aroused a certain amount of interest among the students body but nothing ever became of it. All of the letters received in this office censuring the editorial were from rearoused alumni. There seems to be an idea permeating the student mind that everyone is entitled to his own way of thinking and that there is no use of trying to change his opinion. We do not object to this type of tolerance but we do think that the resulting indifference in this case, is undesirable.

Freshmen coming to College are eager to learn, they want to know the why and wherefores of traditions, customs and organizations. Soon, however, they find out that curiously isn't the thing for a Dartmouth man and by the time that they are Sophomores they are enthusiastic about nothing. Who ever heard of a Dartmouth Senior all a tingle to get out in the world to do things and find out about things?


The cause of this apathetic condition is difficult, to understand and is, without a doubt, extremely complex. It is probably found in other colleges. Perhaps the supposedly fast lives that we lead in this jazz and cynical generation are conductive to early maturity. Whatever the cause it seems that the indifference of the average student is losing for him some of the zest and tingle of life. He is an old man at twenty. --The Dartmouth.
