At the meeting of the Committee on the Regulation of Athletic Sports held last evening, it was-voted to approve the trips of the track and tennis teams, combined with those of Yale, to England to oppose the combined teams of Oxford and Cambridge this summer. This decision is still dependent upon the action of the Board of Control of Yale University.
The biennial track meets between Oxford and Cambridge and Harvard and Yale, alternating between England and America, have been traditional for more than a quarter of a century.
Boxing Referred to Committee
In addition to ratifying the tennis and track trip, the Committee decided to refer the question of boxing as a minor sport to a committee of two, composed of Director of Athletics, W. J. Bingham '16 and Dr. Worcester. A decision is expected in the near future.
Coach Arnold Horween received a vote of appreciation for what he had done for football at Harvard during the past season. The committee also expressed its satisfaction that Coach Horween will return next fall, and officially awarded the football "H" to the men who participated in the Yale and Princeton games, and also to L. F. Daley '27, thus satisfying the previous vote of the Student Council.
Following are three of the schedules ratified at the meeting.
University Winter Track
Jan. 22-K of C. Meet.
Feb. 2-Millrose A. A. Games at New York.
Feb. 5-B A. A. Games.
Feb. 14-N. Y. A. C. Meet at New York.
Feb. 22-American Legion
Feb. 26-Harvard, Dartmouth Cornell Triangular Meet.
Mar. 5-I. C. A. A. A. A. at New York.
Freshman Winter Track
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