

With the first performance of the Dramatic Club's production "The Orange Comedy," appearing on the boards of Brattle Hall at 8.15 this evening, it is interesting to note its rather curious history. The original of the play is an Italian comedy, "Fabia dell' Amore delle Le Melarancie," written about the middle of the eighteenth century by Count Carlo Gozzi, a poor Venetian nobleman who through his wit and the publication of a number of satirical pieces, had won a place for himself in the graneleschi society.

Although Gozzi's comedies received the praise of Goethe, Schiller and other writers of the time, little attention was paid to them until recently. This summer-however, one of his satires "Re Turandote" adopted into German, was performed at Salzburg, Austria, under the direction of Max Reinhardt, and last month Puccini's posthumous opera based on the same story was sung at the Metropolitan.

"The Orange Comedy," is an adaptation of Gozzi's play, upon the satirical fairy story plot of which, Gilbert Seldes has imposed all manner of modernism's making it amusing parody of present-day life a sort of "Begger on Horseback" in an antique framework.

The comedy as originally written dea's with three Princesses who were shup up in as many oranges by the Queen Witch whose machinations pervade the dramatic cosmos. The action comes when the Prince there is one naturally seeks for the oranges. It is while on his travels in search of them that Gilbert Seldes has brought him into contact with the modernism's which give the play its strong satiric flavor, and makes it well worth the attention of a student vagabond.
