

Although the title, "Romantic Activities at Heidelburg" chosen by Professor Burkhard for his lecture in German 26a this morning, might lead one, for a moment, to suspect that this course deals with aspects of the modern musical show, a little reflection will make it evident that this is not the case. Yet Professor Burkhard's lecture presents rare attraction to a student vagabond. Not only is it given by a deep and thorough student of romanticism, but in addition it deals with one of the most interesting phases of the movement which exercises most of its influence in Germany through the un versifies.

This lecture will be given in Seven 6 at 12 o'clock today.

Franz Baydn, the first great master of the quartets and the symphony, will be discussed by Professor Hill in the Music Building at 12 o'clock. Hayda, who was beloved by the Viennese for his dainty and melodious operas, new as known as the last of the 18th Century realists, a composer of severe decorum and sriet technique. His place in musical history by the excellence of his instrumental compositions into which he introduced the freshness and lyric quality of his native Croation folk-tunes. Baydn's natural idiom, for that matter, was a heightened and ennobled folk song. The lecture on the life and personality of the Viennese composer will be given in conjunction with Professor Hill's Musics course.
