The first of the two remaining P. B. H. religious talks, and the fifth of the present series, will be given on "The Modern Trend of Religion" tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock by Professor Kirsopp Lake, Winn Professor of Ecclesiastical History of the University.
This lecture is one of the Third Senios of talks on Religion offered by the Phillips Brooks House Association. An interesting feature of Professor Lake's talk will be the opportunity given members of the audience for handing in written questions on his subject at the conclusion of the lecture.
Fosdick Final Speaker
The last of this half year's series of religious talks will be given by the Reverend Harry Emerson Fosdick, Minister of the Park Avenue Baptist Church, New York City. The Reverend Dr. Fosdick will speak on "The Future of the Church" on December 12 at 4 o'clock in the afternoon in the John Knowles Paine Concert Hall of the Music Building.
Previous lectures of this group have been well attended. The purpose of this series is to enlighten Harvard men on the foremost religious systems and concepts so that they can intelligently take a position in religion. The talks are open to all members of the University but not to the public.
The Phillips Brooks House Association announced the following lectures for the second half of its series on religion:
February 13: "Is Immortality Necessary" by Dr. Frederick Palmer '69, the editor of the Harvard "Theological Review"; on February 20, "Philosophy of Religion" by Professor James H. Woods '87, chairman of the Department of Philosophy; February '27, Faith and Worship" by Professor James B. Pratt '99, professor of Philosophy at Williams; March 6, Social Teachings of Jesus" by Professor Francis G. Peabody '69, Plummer Professor of Christian Morals, Emeritus; March 13. "Christian Faith and the Historic Jesus" by Professor D. C. Macintosh, Dwighs professor of Theology at Yale; March 20, "Religious Reflections" by Bishop William Lawronoes '71.
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