

Cheek Will Organize Season of Lates Intramural Activity -- Numerous Games Scheduled

Following in the train of class football and class squash comes the latest innovation in athletics at the University, namely, class hockey. This sport will not be on as regular a basis as its two prototypes, since the teams will play for the most part in outdoor rinks, and weather conditions will largely determine whether or not their schedules are completed.

The teams will be under the management of M. A. Cheek '26, and each will have a special coach.

No Seconds This Year

Owing to the fact that there will be no second University hockey team this year, it is expected that the class teams will contain a galaxy of puckmen. They will be sent to the Arena at different times to play their scheduled games before Coach Bigelow, who will thus be given an opportunity to see any potential stars. Promotions from the class squad to the University squad will be made from time to time, on recommendation of the class coaches.

The intramural matches will be the only ones definitely scheduled, but the teams will also play High Schools and pick-up aggregations informally.


The plan, fostered by the Athletic Committee, of bringing about a game between the winning class teams of the University and of Yale has borne no fruits. It was announced yesterday by the Yale athletic authorities that class hockey at New Haven is not to be undertaken seriously this winter.
