

Publicity Manager of H.A.A. Will Take Charge--To Publish 12 Pages of Announcements and Pictures.

At a meeting of the officers of the Athletic Association yesterday it was decided to issue a regular bi-weekly publication entitled. The Harvard Athletic News. Last year The Track News came out at regular intervals but the new undertaking may justly be considered the first publication of its kind to be issued at the University, since it embraces not only track, but also all other sports, both major and minor.

To insure Liaison

The purpose of the project is to establish a much needed medium of information between managers of the various sports and their squads, and also to provide a consistent means of publicity. Each issue will contain approximately twelve pages of schedules, instructions to squad members, reviews, announcements, and pictures as the occasion may require.

S. deJ. Osborne '26, manager of both the football and track teams last year, and present publicity manager of the H. A. A., will be the editor in charge.

Will Appear Wednesday


The first issue of The Harvard Athletic News will appear next Wednesday and will be distributed free of charge, to all squad members. Graduates may obtain copies upon payment of a nominal sum, the proceeds of which will serve to defray the expense of publication.
