Two annual Christmas entertainments will be provided this week for the students of the University, who for one reason or another cannot go home for the holidays. On Christmas Eve President and Mrs. Lowell are holding a reception for Harvard men, and the evening of Christmas day itself will be "Open House" at the Phillips Brooks House.
Lowells At Home Friday Night
President and Mrs. Lowell have cordially invited all men who are students in the University to their house, 17 Quincy Street, on Christmas Eve, December 24, from 8 to 10 o'clock. The President's Christmas receptions have always been a most enjoyable part of the vacation spent in Cambridge.
The Phillips Brooks House will be open to Harvard students from 7 to 10 o'clock on Christmas night, December 25. The program will commence at 7.15 o'clock with singing of carols, led by J. E. Bagley. Christmas readings by Miss H. D. Neitsche, of the Leland Powers School, will continue the entertainment.
Movies at P. B. H.
The climax of the evening consists of two moving pictures: "When a Man's a Man", by Harold Bell Wright, featuring John Bowers and Marguerite de la Motte; and "The Immigrant", in which Charlie Chaplin stars.
Refreshments will be served after the moving pictures.
The building will be decorated with Christmas greens and a Christmas tree, thus giving it a true festive appearance appropriate to the occasion. It is emphasized that the entertainment will be entirely informal.
Professor and Mrs. J. S. Pray are inviting all students of the School of Landscape Architecture and their wives to a Christmas Night Reading. The entertainment will take place at Professor Pray's home on Saturday at 8 o'clock.