

Late Sunday Night Fire Causes Loss of Several Thousand Dollars--Cause Is Mystery

Damage to the Rotch Laboratory caused by a fire late Sunday evening has been estimated at Several thousand dollars. The laboratory contains much valuable apparatus.

The fire started in the boiler room of the building from an unknown cause and for a time threatened the entire laboratory. It was discovered by H. H. Chen 5G, who had been working in the building and who immediately notified the Cambridge Fire Department, thus saving the building from for greater damage. Professor L. C. Graton was also in the building at the time.

The conflagration was confined almost entirely to the basement, but floors and walls above suffered from the flames and all the finishings and show-cases on the first floor were ruined by the smoke and water.

Professor Graton denied the early report that the apparatus had all been ruined in a statement this morning.

"The damage as confined entirely to finishings and various show-cases that were exposed to the smoke. Much credit is due the fire department for their excellent work in preventing damage to the costly apparatus stored in the building."
