
In the Graduate Schools

Encourages Entrance in February--Dining Halls Open January 1

Over 125 students will be admitted in the mid-year class it was announced last night by the Business School authorities concerning the admissions for 1926-27. This is in accordance with a plan inaugurated three years ago, which also limits the fall admittance to 350 men. This fall, however, 365 registrations, the largest number the School could handle in September, were accepted.

The Business School is the only department of the University which encourages entrance in February. By this arrangement a large number of students can enroll in February and graduate two years later at mid-years. This plan involves a repetition of the courses offered in September but has nevertheless proved very satisfactory. "It increases the capacity of our plant 50 per cent," remarked a Business School official regarding the mid-year admission plan some time ago, "and yet it maintains 100 per cent. efficiency."

Midyear Entrants Have Advantage.

Mid-year entrants have the advantage of getting in smaller sections and having during their period of training two summers in which to obtain practical business experience. During these summer months they can gain familiarity with much of the routine and practical functions of their chosen branch of industry.

Registration for the mid-year class in the Business School ends January 31, and classes begin on February 1. Men entering from the College will be excused from first classes in case there are any conflicts.


For the mid-year entering class special reservations have been made for rooming accommodations in the Business School Dormitories across the Charles. The usual lack of available rooming facilities will not confront the mid-year class.

In addition, the Business School Dining Halls open January 4, 1927, and will be ready for the new class. Application blanks will be furnished to all men entering Board will be $10.50 a week for 21 meals during the initial period. An allowance of one dollar will be made for men who sign off for not less than four meals over week-ends, including the Saturday evening meal and three meals on Sunday.

The quota for this year is nearly filled but prospective students may still file applications. Information and application blanks may be obtained from the Secretary of the School.
