

Urges Prospective Candidates to Keep Up in Their Studies

With a hard track season, cuiminating in the Oxford-Cambridge versus Harvard-Yale meet, to be held at Stamford Bridge, England, staring the Crimson cohorts in the face, Coach E. L. Farrell has declared that he is optimistic of success.

Coach Farrell needs but one thing to insure a winning team, he avers unconditioned candidates. In a vacation letter which Coach Farrell is sending to all track men he exhorts them to keep up in their studies. "It is my wish that your Christmas be merry and good, but do not forget in your celebrating that three weeks from the day you return you will face your mid-year examinations. The toughest competitor we have indoors is the mid-year examinations," declares Coach Farrell, "Do not aim to just get by. Try to be on the Dean's list. Study at least three hours a day during your vacation. Remember that to be a real member of this track team of Harvard university you must use your head."

Track will get under way on January 3, when Coach Farrell will meet all prospective track candidates in the Locker Bulding at three o'clock. New men are especially uged to come out whether they have had experience or not.

The board track will be ready for the runners when they return and it is hoped that the cage will be completed by the middle of February.

As there is not relay meet with M. I. T. this year; the team will have its first test in the K. of C. meet on January 22, when the University and Freshman quartets will face Hole Cross.


The management announces a competition for the Freshman managership, open to all members of the Class of 1930. Candidates should report at the 11, A. A. at 1 o'clock on January 3. At the end of the competition, which will last several weeks, the Freshman manager will be chosen.
