One of the features of the Freshman wrestling season this year will be too inter-dormitory competition, which will take place during the second week alter the Christmas vacation. Matches of this sort have been, held successfully during the past two years, between Smith, Standish and Gore Halls. This year, with the addition of McKinlock, the championship should bring about still better competition.
Preliminaries, to determino the representative in each class from each dormitory, will take place at the usual wrestling hours in the Hemenway Gymnasium, Blue books in which candidates may sign up, are posted in the Freshman Halls and in the Gymnasium.
Seven classes will be represented, provided enough wrestlers sign up These are the 115, 125, 135, 145, 158, 175, pound and heavyweight classes. The usual three pounds overweight is allowed in each east. Final matches will probably be run off from Monday, January 9, to Wednesday, January 11, although the exact dates have not yet been fixed.