

Mr. Gilbert Frankau, who might be vaguely defined as the English Gertrude Atherton, had henceforth best take his tea and toast elsewhere than in London greenrooms; just returned from a lecture tour of the United States, a privilege of English authors and a penance for American audiences, he makes odious comparisons between British actresses and those of Broadway. He says that the lovely ladies of the Strand do not possess the accomplishments of their transatlantic sisters. They do well at "drawing room comedy where the only demand on their art is facile chatter," but in the heavier drama, the hair-fearing tragedy, they must bow to the superiority of American rivals.

With all due gratitude for Mr. Frankau's tribute the more remarkable as coming from a visiting lecturer, which genus usually excells in destructive criticism most theatregoers would question the essential truth of his remarks. Last season Miss Edua Best appearing with Cyril Maude in an Arlen concoction, "These Charming People," demonstrated to the delight of hundreds the undeniable ability of at least one English actress. Her forte was, true enough, light comedy, but it was done with much more finesse than is customary over here. But, flvolous though the type is, it is immensely entertaining. The American playgoer might be willing to trade some of the more passionate exotics now treading the boards for importations such as England has on occasion furnished. Permanently to annex an Edna Best would be a pleasure, even if one had to part with for instance Mae West, and "Sex".
