On Christmas night the University Instrumental Clubs will leave Boston for Washington on the first lap of their extended vacation trip. A swing through West Virginia, Kentucky and Indiana will bring the musicians to Chicago and Milwaukee, after which they will head back to Cambridge, stopping for three concerts on the homeward trip, which ends on January 3.
In each city where a stop is scheduled the Banjo, Mandolin and Vocal Clubs, and the Gold Coast Orchestra will contribute to the program which will be the same in every concert. A comprehensive series of entertainment has been arranged for the University players themselves by their hosts in the various cities which they will visit.
Following is the complete program of the Clubs:
I Banjo Club
1. Second Connection Regiment march, by A. W. Reeves.
2. Medley
II Vocal Club
1. Heidelberg
2. Old Fashioned Town
3. Wenceslas
4. Secrets
III a. Pianoforte--Charles E. Henderson '28.
b. Goofus Specialty
IV Mandolin Club
1. Intermezzo from Nails by Leo Deliebes, arranged by H. F. O'Neil.
2. Venetian Love Song
V. a Ventroliquism, Kingsley A. Perry '28
b. Double Vocal Quartet
IV Mandolin Club
1. Mignon
2. Song of the Volga Boatman
VII Gold Coast Orchestra
1. Climbing up the Ladder of Love
2. Meditation from Thals by Massanet, arranged by J. W. Green '28. Combined with; "Waters of the Minnetonka" by Lieurance.
3. Milenberg Joys
VIII a Violan Solo Albert W. Lind '28
b. String Quartet
IX Vocal Club
1. Gay Nineties
2. Rolling down to Rio
3. Tim Toolan
4. Australia
X Fair Harvard, sung by entire clubs.
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