

Cabot and Filene Also to be Speakers at Symphony Hall Tomorrow

Professor Gilbert Murray, Charles Eliot Norton Professor of Poetry, will be the guest of honor tomorrow evening at a public meeting in Symphony Hall at 8.45 o'clock. E. A. Filene, Dr. R. C. Cabot '89, and Professor Murray himself will discuss different aspects of "The World Today and Tomorrow." After the speeches an open forum will be conducted.

Professor Murray is the first occupant of the Charles Eliot Norton Chair of Poetry, founded recently by C. C. Stillman '98. For the past few weeks the distinguished scholar has been delivering these lectures at the University.

Dr. Cabot will talk on the League of Nations from the aspect of its service to international health. He visited the League in the summer of 1925, and at that time had an opportunity to study the work of the health service. In an interview with a CRIMSON reporter yesterday, he said:

"Since bacteria can not be restrained from crossing the borders of nations, the various countries of the Old World can not protect themselves unless they co-operate. The health department of the League Includes representatives of all the nations in the world except Albania and Portugal.

"Since 1924, the League has maintained a radio station at Singapore. From this station, are broadcasted reports as to the diseases prevalent in the East and which warn seaports about disease infected vessels."
