

Out of the mass of conflicting opinions and suggestions helpful and otherwise towards solving the problem of supplying civilized, and adequate opportunity for taking one's meals to that majority of undergraduates and graduate students who frequent the cafeterias day in and day out it is to be hoped that something very definite and immediately practicable will come at the Union meeting today.

President Lowell has from the first showed a lively interest in the problem. It is stated that he has secured the cooperation of the Corporation in planning a dining hall to be strictly operated under the club table plan and to be located on the site of the old Catholic Church on the corner of Mt. Auburn and Holyoke Streets. He and Dr. Worcester will discuss that plan today. The success of this suggestion is necessarily conditioned by the amount of interest shown in the project among the undergraduates. It is of course purposeless to artificially stimulate such interest for that would mean simply a repetition of the recent Memorial Hall fiasco. But it is worth while to point out that into Administration must depend upon material evidence of a desire for club tables and a University dining hall, that it cannot go ahead on mere guesswork that the interest is there but unexpressed. It is, we take it, largely for the purpose of forming a definite conclusion as to the strength of this interest that the meeting today has been called. Under these circumstances it would indeed be unfortunate if the attractive plan which the Administration has to offer is allowed to slip into the discard merely because of the inertia of that part of the student body which has at present no opportunity for taking their meals quietly and in the congenial company of interesting friends.
