


With the arrival of the skating season, an informal hockey league has been organized. The teams will be run under the same system as the touch football league.

Due to the uncertainty of having good ice and an insufficiency of skating surface; no class teams will be formed. A second University team will be organized and; will play a regular schedule of games.

Any group in the college may enter teams in the informal league. Starting Monday, a notice will be posted in Leavitt and Peirce's window to inform those who are interested in the ice conditions on Soldier's Field rinks. On the days when it is possible to play, anyone desiring to do so may go out to the rinks where the coach in charge will see that he gets an opportunity to play. When good ice can be assured, regular scheduled games will be played off.

If the new hockey league proves popular and there is a great demand for skating space before the Christmas holidays, further arrangements for rinks will be made during the vacation. The tennis courts will be flooded, and, if it is necessary, more rinks will be constructed.

The third round of the interclass squash tournament has just been played. With over 40 members of each class showing a keen interest in the game, the formation of class teams is imminent. When the tournament closes in a few days, the 12 best players will be chosen and placed on a ranking list. The others will then be given the opportunity of challenging them for a position on the list. After the Christmas recess, regular class teams will be chosen and scheduled matches arranged.


Basketball has recently been placed on the list of intra-mural sports. Three leagues have been organized. Six quintets, two from the Business School, three from the Law School, and one from the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, will form the first group. The second league is made an of eight fraternity teams. The last consists of the four class teams.

Any men who are not members of the University or the first Freshman basketball teams are eligible to play in these leagues. Up to the holidays regular periods for practice and practice games will be assigned to the various groups. After that league schedule games will be played.

In order to like care of the unusual demand for floor space, the Hemenway Gymnasium will be open for practice seasons in the evening. A police starting what teams will practice, the time and place will be published dally in the CRIMSON.
