
Graduate Solves Problem of Overemphasis--Suggests Playing Yale Game at Dawn--Should Prove a Test of Enthusiasm

"Why not play next year's Harvard-Yale football game at sunrise?" suggests Horton Edmands '11 in a recent letter to the Harvard Alumni Bulletin:

"I have an idea. I think it's a very clever idea. Way not play next year's Harvard-Yale football game at sunrise? The arguments pro are as follows:

(A) It would relieve the traffic congestion. Only cars bound for the game and a few milk vehicles would be abroad.

(B)It would relieve the ticket scarcity situation. Only real levers of the game would take the trouble to apply for tickets to a game at sunrise. No one is sufficiently interested merely in flags and arm bands, picture hats, college yells, and brass bands, to get up at sunrise.

(C)It would relieve the speculator situation. There would be none to pay high prices for tickets The idle rich don't get up at dawn.


(D) It would be educational. Many a "bird" has never seen the sun rise.

(E)There would be no danger of the game being called on account of darkness.

(F)Rolling in the morning dew would put vim in the players.

(G) It would test the devotion of many a sweetheart. No fiancee would get up at 4 A. M. to go a game with a man she wasn't really insane over.

(H)It would be a convenient time of day for such gentlemen as habitually stay up all night.

(I) It would give the sporting writers a much needed new stock phrase Instead of the proverbial "crimson sunset" now it can be the crimson sunrise and the cold gray dawn.

'I think the idea is clever'
