

Strengthen or Abolish "Big Three" Is Advice--No Reply to Lampoon Issue Will be Made

Princeton, N. J. November 9, 1926--. The following editorial in connection with the attitude expressed in the recent Princeton Game Number of the Harvard. "Lampoon" appeared in the Princetonian this morning.

"When the tradition of 'Big Three' was preserved recently following a suggestion from Harvard Athletic authorities that the Harvard-Princeton football game be suspended for 1927 and 1928 the PRINCETONIAN was for the most part silent on the matter, but nevertheless dubious. It was generally felt that Princeton was big enough, sensible enough to overlook a slight lack of tact for the sake of keeping unimpaired an old and undeniably valuable athietic relationship between three great eastern universities.

"That was some time ago. Since then Harvard and Princeton have had another football game. Since then, also one of the Harvard undergraduate publications, the 'Lampoon' has added complications to an already complicated situation through the appearance of its 'Princeton game number'. A few of our readers had expected in this morning's Princetonian a reply to the Lampoon. There will, of course, be no such reply. The Lampoon speaks not for, but against itself. About it and its humor we have nothing to say, except to inquire whether that periodical reflects as it purports to do, the sentiment of the majority of Harvard's adherents. Princeton undergraduates prefer to believe that it does not--but they want definite assurance to that effect.

"The main question at issue is the status of the triple agreement, the 'Big Three.' The Princetonian feels that the time has come for an examination to determine just what that title implies--with a view either to strengthening the thing itself or doing away with it immediately, entirely, once for all. Admittedly it is a triumvirate; a triumvirate, thoroughly worth preserving, provided each of the three members can maintain a healthy and sportsmanlike attitude. But if as a few Harvard men would have us believe, one of the parties to the agreement is disgruntled or for any reason desires to get out, then it is high time for a dissolution of the 'Big Three'. At all events it is high time for a redeclaration of feeling and a complete understanding on all sides.

"Once again, we doubt that the Lampoon view is Harvard's, but we shall not feel positive until Father John himself has disclaimed the insinuations advanced by his callow off-spring. Princeton by no means feels that it is necessary at further cost to its dignity, to preserve the 'Big Three'." Daily Princetonian.
