In the "Bride of the Lamb" William Buribut has shown the evils of too much religion of a highly-emotional type; H. L. Mencken has long led his cohorts into righteous battle against unrighteous churches unil even he has tired of the numerous enemies of the churches could have been able to visualize the result of a beauty contest in a small Ohio town. The church, probably seeing goodness and truth in beauty as well as beauty in goodness and truth, was anxious to stimulate interest in higher values. A Miss Little won the contest; her lot and the upshot of the whole affair was that her father directed two well-aimed shots at the two champions of the champion.
Although the event in itself is merely another of the malodorous hits of news which so often decorate the newspapers, the fact that this particular affair is directly attributable to the church will certainly cause much comment from the ranks of the unbelievors Always waiting to take advantage of any slip made by their arch-enemy, they will never let such a juicy morsel as this slip through their fingers. Pointing to this as an example of the too often misdirected energies of the church, they will as usual cry with alarm at the very thought of the church holding a large amount of influence in its hands, and will warn all to sever connections with this clumsy Golem before its is too late. If this event does not appear in the Official organ of Freethinkers under the classification. "Americana-Ohio", it will surely draw special attention from them elsewhere and might even be considered worthy to be put in dramatic form.
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